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Main Area

picture 4

Zene Main Area

Top Bar

picture 5

Top bar

Number: 1
Click the Main Menu button to open the main menu. The main menu contains the following items:

  • New project: Alt + Shift + N
    Create a new Tool Flow project.
  • File Server
    • Open: Alt + Shift + O
      Open a project from the server's file system.
    • Save: Alt + S
      Save the current project to the server's file system.
    • Save As: Alt + Shift + S
      Save the current project to the server's file system as a new file.
  • File Local
    • Open:
      Open a project from the local file system.
    • Save Copy:
      Save a copy of the current project to the local file system.
  • Run: Alt + Shift + S
    Run the current flow.
  • Stop:
    Stop the current flow.
  • Disconnect Server:
    Disconnect from the server.
  • Close Window:
    Close the UI window.
  • End Server:
    End the server.

Criteria Status

Number: 2
The criteria status indicator shows the current status of the criteria. The indicator can be one of the following:

  • Pass: The criteria is met.
  • Failed: The criteria is not met.

See Criteria - Statuses for more details.


The criteria status indicator is only available when the criteria are enabled.

Notification & Logs

Number: 3
Click the Notification button to open the logs.

See Notification & Logs for more details.


The bell icon will change to ringing bell icon when there is a new log. There is number next to the bell icon to indicate the number of new logs.

Help Menu

Number: 4
Click the Help button to open the help menu. The help menu contains the following items:

  • Zene License:
    Open Zene license modal. See Zene License for more details.
  • Legal Summary:
    Open legal summary modal. See Legal Summary for more details.
  • About:
    Open the about modal. See About for more details.

User Menu

Number: 5
Click the User button to open the user menu. The user menu contains the following items:

  • User Profile:
    Open the user profile setting. See User Profile for more details.
  • Language:
    Change the language of the UI.
  • Disconnect Server:
    Disconnect from the server.

picture 6

Side bar - Collapsed (left), Expanded (right)

1: Dashboard

The dashboard page shows the current information of the flow. See Dashboard for more details.

2: Tool Flow

The tool flow page allows users to view and configure the flow settings. See Tool Flow for more details.

3: Criteria

The criteria page allows users to view and configure current criteria settings. See Criteria for more details.

4: Options

The options' page allows users to view and configure options related to the server. See Options for more details.

5: Run

Click to run the current flow.

6: Stop

Click to stop the current flow.

7: Expand/ Collapse

Click to expand or collapse the sidebar.

Run and Stop Buttons Statuses

picture 7

Run and Stop Buttons Statuses

1: Ready state

This is the default state, ready to run the flow. The Run button is enabled and the Stop button is disabled.

2: Loading state

This is when the flow is loading, both the Run and Stop buttons are disabled.

3: Running state

This is when the flow is running, the Run button is disabled and the Stop button is enabled.

4: Stopping state

This is when the flow is stopping, both the Run and Stop buttons are disabled.